Pertaining towards the survivalist element of apocalyptic scenarios The Walking Dead has captured my imagination. Although the series is set in a dangerous world, where death can come from any and every quarter far it has featured the importance of plant seed saving and solar power as tools vital to the success of survival. After all without food and energy – survival is nigh on impossible so well done to the writers for featuring positive elements as well as the negative. The truth is that not everyone would turn towards such clearly beneficial methods to survive and The Walking Dead makes it clear with such a societal breakdown how many people would see that they have to become the bigger dog to thrive. The scariest characters in the the series are actually those humans who deem it necessary to abuse, hurt, murder and steal from other humans in order to stay on top. Extreme times require extreme methods they may think in order to justify their actions. It seems to be the case today that many people in the Western world think that we are in extreme times, the recent upheavals in politics in the UK and the USA with Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as President-Elect suggest this is the case.  Whether your personal politics means that you think these are good moves or not it is obvious that people are tending towards isolationist tendencies in their outlook on the world.3bdf54aeb4e50761f471dbbbab45fdc2.jpg

The rise of xenophobia almost definitely comes down to a manipulation of the masses by the super-wealthy and their agents in the media and many people are falling for the bullshit, it’s that classic technique that the elites have always used to gain power and wealth – divide and conquer. The election of a racist, outright misogynist, narcissistic billionaire to become American President and the vote to disconnect politically from our European neighbours means that people are pushing us towards extreme times.  Will we end up with an apocalyptic scenario in these risky times?

One thing for sure though is that there is one political move that any sound minded individual could make to help steer us away from the apocalypse, that is to actually listen to what Jeremy Corbyn the Labour Party leader in the UK says instead of reading the bullshit that the media put out about him. The truth is that to help people feel that they have a chance at a positive future, that a real redistribution of wealth is required and this is what J.C. believes in and has built his political career on. Unrestrained capitalism only ends up with an ever growing majority of the dispossessed with an ever-decreasing minority forming the super wealthy.


Politicians espousing that it’s a certain element within society who are causing our problems should be immediately seen for what they are, total and utter scumbags who want for nothing more than to cause disorder amongst the populace for personal gain. We have to decide now whether we want the apocalyptic vision to be realised or to actually listen to progressives who want for us all to have a healthy future. In the case that the majority steer us towards hell on Earth then I suggest watching The Walking Dead if you haven’t yet as there are tips inside for staying alive when it all comes crashing down.

20140823_185233We live in an age where technology super connects us, immediate communication is the norm via all sorts of technology, so why does so much public money have to be spent on facilitating a meeting for politicians and warmongers, who are so paranoid of being targeted that they have ordered a steel fence to be erected around the spots in which they are to gather? Not only is this a gross misuse of public money but it begs the question as to why are such ridiculous measures being taken? These people are paranoid! Does this paranoia about being attacked come from a deeply ingrained sense of guilt for their complicity in the murder of innocents or from a coke habit paid for from the funds that they steal from ordinary working people? To me the wearing of a suit is about covering up something; to make a good impression, however if the heart is in the right place then why would you want to make a good impression, as your actions are what prove your worth?

Above and beyond the fact that the nato attendees will be trying to convey a sense of honour with their clothing choices, there is a louder proclamation of guilt and corruption that that is evident for all to see, the steel fence now being built up around the Castle and Bute Park in Cardiff and surrounding the Celtic Manor Hotel just outside Newport. Social Media is awash with local people’s discontent with the absurd situation of the lockdown going on a few weeks before any nato attendees are due to gather in the area. The people of South Wales are not excited to be the unwitting hosts to this gathering of those who wish to wage war to gain wealth. Of course if you look to the Government’s propaganda machine – the BBC and to the media that the wealthy own to tell their stories you will gain a different opinion, the BBC’s  ‘ SOUTH EAST WALES’ news website declares, “Anger over Nato protesters’ peace camp at Newport park!”, that “Residents say they know little about the protesters’ plans and are worried their tent pitches will put the field out of action for the rest of the year.” – have these residents not been to camp sites ever in their lives? Do they not see such sites being used over and over again with no destructive effects to such sites? More importantly have they not noticed the ridiculous ‘security measures’ being put in place, the police searches and questioning of locals, the disruption to local public and private transport that this gathering of warmongers is bringing to their doorsteps? The mainstream media machine is biased, of course it is, it is owned by the wealthy, who seek funds from other wealth owners to help them keep publishing and producing media output, and so it is that their output veers towards the agenda that the fund providers demand.

People of South Wales, anyone protesting this gathering of the dangerous, anyone promoting the idea of peace for all, anyone who holds a banner proclaiming the truth about this horrid organisation – nato, is your friend. Those who take part in this immoral gathering are those who use war and murder as a tool for personal gain, they want your children to die for the illness in their minds and souls. South Wales is not content to host nato, please show these war mongers what you think of them if you should get the chance. Luckily they will still be able to see bare ass cheeks and middle fingers through these fences as it looks like they didnt quite have the budget to buy fences made from solid steel!



(I purposely avoided using capitalisation for the warmongers organisation, for they do not deserve it!)

Sun Worship, who can argue with that? It is easy to understand that The Sun is the celestial being that gives us the energy to live, in fact it comes to me quite regularly that not only does the Sun keep us all alive but that it is conceivable that we might even be created from the imagination of this utterly awesome being, Of course the mystery goes way deeper than just realising the omnipotence of our majestic star, for the question arises – from where do Stars originate, but it at least gives us a piece of the puzzle. Light is communication, light is life, for some reason though the mass realisation of this gives those who seek to dominate others the heebie-jeebies, it makes them so angry that they attempt to forcefully stamp out this realisation in others.Well at least they used to, for whenever Sun Worshippers have been killed or muted, the paradigm of Sun Worship pops up in another age and another area with more gusto than previous eras. Why? Well, the truth will out, and evolution moves on apace, for although we realise that some humans are really trying to drag our condition back to that of medieval times, really the general human condition is to move forward and develop as a species, it is written in the Stars 😉

Anarchists dream of a time where there is no need for government or any form of top down control, where people feel no need to cause harm or loss to anyone else, where people live cooperatively for the good of all. Politicians wish to be in control of others’ lives, and subvert the meaning of anarchism by using the police and secret service (as they used to be known before the internet) to infiltrate anarchist groups to tar them as violent (, they hope this will keep people looking to the government to save them, thereby justifying and perpetuating their positions. The school system is manipulated to promote competitiveness and obediance, this helps keep the financial order intact. The ultra wealthy have played all sorts of dirty tricks to get where they are and to enable them to stay put. The financial game is rigged in favour of those who own the system. What can idealist Anarchists do in a situation like this, and as they are taxed like everyone else should they turn away from the benefits that government can bring? Without government would the situation be way worse? You can bet that it would, there would be more violence and theft. As Robert Anton Wilson and Timothy Leary predicted though – Internet is gradually allowing us to transform the situation and helping people organise between themselves, but the control freaks are doing whatever they can to try to reign this in. You can bet that this blog has been read by someone in GCHQ, it must have raised a flag or two, domestic extremism perchance? Extreme to whom I ask? To those who control the game, who are now terrified as they see their financial web unraveling around them, the rEvolution is not being televised it is being ‘Internetised’! So what are the control freaks doing to address this? They are grouping together in corporations to try to suck as much of the money up as they can, for they believe this will save them, what an illusion they feed themselves. It is for this reason that we salute Ernie Tertelgte for standing up for his natural rights and breaking the courts assumption of power over his natural rights –, LETS HAVE MORE NON-COMPLIANCE when it comes to agents of governments over-stepping their authority over us as human beings. We need to teach the control freaks what freedom really is.

Are we supposed to be content with the fact that some of our tax money is being used to fund spying operations on our communications? Are we also to be content with the fact that this has been going on for 6 years without mention until now, from the single brave whistleblower Edward Snowden. Any intelligent, aware individual must realise what this means for the ability for a mass of people to keep quiet about an act or programme, for example the attack on the World Trade Centre and the Pentgon. The recent unveiling of this spy program should have the result of making anyone who doubted the idea that certain individuals within the US Government could have had knowledge of this attack prior to its commencement, to reconsider that conclusion. To say that the whole of government is a totally evil entity that plots against the people is not true. It is a fact that Government has many tentacles, it reflects the wide range of opinion within the population at large. Some of the tentacles ensure the health and survival of its population but some are used to only further the aims of some of it’s members, including those who want to punish others for their own unconscious psychological inadequacies and for certain individuals to gain more power and wealth. The ability of humans to not want to stick their heads above the parapet, to not be seen as a troublemaker, to not stand out from the crowd though is almost universal. What the Nazis were able to get away with was a worrying indication of the level of compliance that people adhere to, so have no doubt of the potential for a mass of people to be involved in and be quiet on an act or series of acts that perpetuate a disabling effect on many other people.

The education system while having many positive aims and in many ways being a positive experience for children is also responsible for attempting to ensure that children grow up to be compliant ‘citizens’. In Western societies then to stand out from the crowd is therefore a rare and brave act. It is true that many people like to feel different to the crowd by shuffling off into smaller subgroups, but still the human trait of belonging is fulfilled. The idea of community though is positive, when that community has positive aims and practices. The recent revelations of the spying program Prism and the realisation of the lengths of the Bilderbegers to keep secrecy about their discussions at their global, annual meeting, (which was brought into the spotlight by the alternative media’s efforts surrounding the recent Bilderberg meeting in Watford in the UK) though must at least make those who up until now have believed that conspiracies do not happen and that politicians have the best interests of the people in mind to at least consider that going forward things have to change.


We do not want nuclear submarines in Wales!! The Welsh Government so called ‘first minister’ does not talk for the people of Wales!

Bristol Against Arms Trade

A NEWPORT activist has hit out at comments that the first minister would welcome nuclear submarines to Wales. Wales Green Party leader Pippa Bartolotti said the first minister has a duty to provide the country with “decent jobs, not to make us purveyors of weapons of mass destruction”.

Carwyn Jones told the Senedd that the UK naval nuclear fleet would be welcome in Wales, suggesting it could be brought to Milford Haven. The fleet is currently based at in Scotland – but the devolved government there wants it moved. Ms Bartolotti, who is running to become leader of the Green Party in England and Wales, said: “Wales needs jobs, but a job of this type could only be taken under sufferance.”

A Welsh Government spokesman said: “The First Minister is of the view that he would be neglecting his duty to do what he can to boost the Welsh economy…

View original post 12 more words

The TRUTH about the OLYMPICS!

Posted: April 10, 2012 in Uncategorized
Ive always disliked the olympics, the idea of celebrating ‘being the best’ and ‘being the strongest’. Although the Olympics has a great international appeal for many people, and many people like it for being a galvanizing event for people from all over the world there is a seedy side to it all. Consider it this way, what about the lesser celebrated, subtler forms of human endeavour such as co-operation. The olympics are a display of the celebration of a lack of empathy by those who veer towards eugenics and strong political ideologies, so it suits those with such mindsets to think that they have to have missiles ‘guarding’ their precious display of human power. The BBC reported recently that, “The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is considering plans to install surface-to-air missiles in Blackheath and Shooters Hill during the Olympic Games.” This is more evidence that we should be changing our political structures, to give the VERY STRONG less chance to make it to the top, as having insane, un-empathatic, psycopaths in our political systems as we do in the West is in itself an insane proposition. Far from getting drawn into the Olympics frenzy for 2012 in the UK we should be doing all we can to shun support for this vulgar display of power.

Tipping the scales!

Posted: March 19, 2012 in Uncategorized

Some thoughts were just going through my mind about the whole control in society thing, about how the ultra wealthy are terrified of the people’s use of the internet to mobilise and spread important information that we the people can use to make our lives better. Of course when you have ‘controllers’ in society who gain from other people’s pain, who currently are using a REAL SYSTEM OF SLAVERY – which the GLOBAL WEB OF FINANCE IS OF COURSE, Image

who amass wealth by leeching from others energy and activities – then when those who are leeched from, change their situation to a more positive status, that it is natural that the leeches situation becomes, less, shall we say, attractive. A leech then is the one who has to lose something for the leeched from to gain something, being a leech then is a very precarious thing to be. When the people become more resilient and use their creativity to make their situation better for themselves and those around them, then the ultra wealthy who base their riches on nothing but manipulation and lies are on a sure road to loss. When we promote and work towards self-sufficiency in energy and food production for example then how can leeches such as politicians for example or corporate ‘leaders’ expect to keep on gaining. Of course if you leech from no one and respect the environment with which you interact and thrive with then when others gain you do not lose, but everyone can gain alongside everyone else. This I feel is the place to where we as a global population are heading, although the ride is not presently an easy one, you can sense the attempts of the ultra wealthy leeches and their propaganda agents in politics trying to suck all the bits of paper that they have convinced us all are worth something up their fat arses in their ‘austerity’ programs to try to, ‘make us pay’! But I laugh at their panic, India is buying Iranian oil, China and Russia are standing up to the bully boys in the West and telling them that they will protect Iran, THE PEOPLE ARE USING THE INTERNET TO MOBILISE AND STAND WITH ONE ANOTHER! “Its a true stalemate position Im afraid big boys.” We can only hope that those fluffing for the ultra wealthy will stop them when it comes to them attempting to throw their toys out of their prams!!



“Bring balance to the force!” These fateful words uttered in one of the most famous movie franchises of modern times might have more relevance to the current situation than we might realise. Violent power has been used for coercion for centuries but perhaps the last century has been host to the most targeted manipulation that human history has seen. The propaganda machine that has been built to help deceive many into supporting or ignoring the chaos has been built over the last 80 years to become a goliath. The last last twenty years though has seen a change, a tipping of the scales away from support for the violent machine, the veil is lifting, and the violent are being surrounded like never before. The internet has helped give those who desire world peace a voice at last.

Terence McKenna back in 1995 put it very clear, “I think that the internet is the tip of the evolutionary iceberg. People, they are waiting for Jesus to come, they are waiting for the flying saucers to bail them out… Meanwhile the internet is here, the internet is more life-changing than an alien invasion.” Well an alien invasion would certainly be majorly life changing, perhaps more so than the internet, but it has allowed new paradigms to flourish for the human race and allowed the development of decent human values to become global. The networks that people have been building outside of the traditional avenues that slower communication channels allowed, that coexisted with the organised avenues for oppression have, it seems, finally caused a tipping point to be met this year of 2012, the year that various prophecies have indicated will be the peak of transformation. The major cosmic cycles that space-watchers such as the Mayans predicted would come to pass in what the Gregorain calendar suggests is 2012 of course filter down through the different elements of reality until they burst forth from beings that can express this change visibly. It is comforting to see that people are not taking violent oppression or aggressive coercion around the world anymore. Governments around the World are facing the wrath of the people who politicians have traditionally regarded as cattle to be herded around and companies such as Tesco and Monsanto have been seeing their dirty tactics and practises become general knowledge. David is indeed waking and fighting back! Return of the Jedi indeed!

Aside  —  Posted: February 21, 2012 in Uncategorized

If you take a look at the varied media outlets, including the mainstream media and the varied indie-media outlets you might notice a bit of a pattern occurring, this being that events occuring in the material sphere are tending to go towards the extreme manifestation of their natural destinations. Protesting and activism is at an all time high, the tendency of those who want war are taking that to a heightened level. Creativity is evident everywhere. Eco-consciousness is increasing, but then so is political control and the greed of those who are using the financial system to steal from the many to feather their own nests. The drums are beating from those who wish to attack Iran, but then the Russians and the Chinese are voicing their concern over the country being attacked and have made it clear that they won’t stand for it’s people being attacked. The internet has been a beacon of connectivity between people all over the globe and the majority are using it to mobilise and to organise, the Occupy movement has shown that people do not need ‘leaders’, but those who think that they lead others are trying to use force to stamp out what they see as dissent. Things it seems are coming to a head. This year – 2012 – the year of the Mayan Prophecy seems to be heralding a stand-off, either for the human race to keep letting the few cause destruction and chaos for the many or for the many to stop the few spreading their destructive tentacles everywhere like a rampant disease.

Whatever the reasons for this continued perpetuation of the various streams of prophetic activity, and it is most certainly the effects of something outside of our human experience, something that we cannot begin to fathom, it is clear that this is make or break time in human history. Do we have the hope that something will switch on in people who are being used to carry out the destructive plans of the ultra twisted, to turn them away from their path of mind controlled zombie slavedom? Well if we all decide to put some of our time towards putting out thoughts that this can be the case, even just for a few seconds occasionally and if we so have the courage to put a little amount of time into persuading those in the armed forces to turn away from their seemingly unmovable path – then we might just help steer the path of destiny towards the light in this important period. As Buddhists realise – we create this world with our thoughts. We are co-creators of reality – our brains are engines for reality. When we imagine something – we can then turn towards turning it into a real object, we imagine and then reality forms from that imagination. Never under-estimate the power of your mind, if you do then you are putting limits on your freedom, for you are forming those limits. Take moments now and then to imagine a bright outcome for humanity, imagine people dropping out of the armed forces, imagine soldiers turning down orders, imagine people dropping out of the army and turning to their communities for help to do so. And wherever you can help this happen by convincing people to turn away from active participation in the legitimised murder industries please do so. We do not have much time.